Only ABC followed up on yesterday's lead. Betsy Stark (subscription required) took A Closer Look at the privatization of Chrysler by Cerberus, "named after the mythological three-headed dog that guards the Gates of Hell." Businesses like Cerberus, so-called private equity firms, are "notorious for using hardball tactics to make a buck," Stark warned workers and retirees. In the case of Chrysler she predicted that would mean threatening bankruptcy in order to extract "concessions on healthcare benefits."
For NBC, cutting healthcare costs means taking a trip. Dawn Fratangelo launched its series Your Health Taking Control by following a trend that started with affordable plastic surgery and has now spread to medically necessary procedures such as heart bypasses and hip replacements. Patients save money by outsourcing, undergoing surgery in foreign hospitals. A new hip in Belgium, for example, costs $16K, travel included, compared with $47K in the United States.
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