COMMENTS: Paper Chains

Glossy paper from discarded magazines is torn into narrow strips and rolled into tight beads and threaded onto necklaces. This pretty paper jewelry attracted the attention of a pair of visiting American women. They collected samples from more than 100 beadmakers in the shantytowns of Uganda and sold them back home as a charity called Bead for Life. John Larson profiled the charity for NBC's Making a Difference series.

The beadmakers certainly do need a difference made in their lives: many are war widows from the civil war in northern Uganda; many of their children have died of AIDS; many themselves are HIV-positive; "and just when you wonder if life could get any harder, here is where they work," Larson showed us, "pounding rocks for a dollar a day." See Rose smile at the money the beads bring in. "Ay, ay, ay, Bead for Life, we thank you!"


I saw this appear on television and was very interested in it. I was wondering if there was a way that we could purchase the bead work that is made so that we can also contribute to the natives.

Thank you.
Raejean--the charity appears to be here--Andrew

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