Online initiatives by corporate giants McDonalds and Google won free publicity. CBS' Daniel Sieberg showed us the neighborhood photographs of New York City, Miami, Denver, Las Vegas and San Francisco that Google has unveiled on its Street View feature. The urban snapshots were taken by a 360-degree camera mounted on top of a van as it roamed through communities. Sieberg called it "a great tool for tourists or homesick transplants." It also offers slightly rude "virtual voyeurism," looking into bedroom windows, or staring at pedestrians, catching "a glimpse of undergarments and sunbathers, all frozen in time." McDonald's has recruited a focus group of so-called "quality correspondents," six mothers of school-age children who have been given "unprecedented access behind the counter, in test kitchens, even storage coolers," as CNBC's Scott LeBeau put it, so that they can blog about McDonald's all summer long. Corporations nowadays "are not only using mothers for feedback," LeBeau explained, "but also to get word out about their products."
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