COMMENTS: Couric the Credulous

Sometimes it seems that CBS anchor Katie Couric does not pay attention to the stories her newscast airs. "That was an incredible story," she enthused about Steve Hartman's Assignment America profile of Kyle Lograsso, a five-year-old prodigy who plays golf against adults. "Halfway through I thought: "This is amazing; it is so cute.' And then I realized how incredibly moving it was."

Duh! That cute-and-then-moving switch is par for the course, to coin a phrase. It would have been incredible if the golf prodigy turned out not to have survived a life-threatening illness--infantile cancer made him blind in one eye--before turning out to be both charming and accomplished. As CBS was closing its week of newscasts with Kyle the Duffer consider NBC's Making a Difference and ABC's Person of the Week: one found the blindness hardship angle, the other found the golfing tragic one, in otherwise unemotional news events.

ABC, whose sports division airs the Open Golf tournament from Scotland, had substitute anchor Elizabeth Vargas honor amateur competitor Drew Weaver: Weaver is a collegiate athlete at Virginia Tech, where he happened to be an eyewitness to his fellow student's lethal shooting spree this spring. NBC found a printing press that allowed cameras to show the production of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows without risk of a reporter reading the book's secret ending: Lee Cowan is not blind so the 1,500 run of Braille books meant nothing to him.


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