CNN is holding a Presidential debate in South Carolina for Democratic candidates. ABC's Jake Tapper reported on the innovative format, whereby the cable news channel selects 50-or-so video questions to ask from 2,000 submitted by non-professionals at YouTube. Tapper played clips including…ostrich characters on head-in-the-sand Social Security planning…a snowman's fears about global warming…a cancer patient's lament at the lack of preventive healthcare. CBS anchor Katie Couric chose the hook of the debate to survey the multitude of ways that online video has shaped Campaign 2008: "Candidates are announcing on the Web, running ads on the Web, raising money on the Web." And they are also being romanced on the Web--the Obama Girl; documented in their stump speeches on the Web--John McCain hums bomb, bomb Iran; and ridiculed for their vanity on the Web--John Edwards looks oh so pretty.
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