COMMENTS: Building Bridges

Then the networks followed up with the wider view: are all our bridges about to come tumbling down? CBS' Nancy Cordes showed us inspectors "hanging off bridges, floating beneath them and peering at them through binoculars…the most sophisticated piece of equipment that is typically used to inspect bridges is the naked eye." ABC and NBC both scrutinized the federal Department of Transportation's listing of the structural integrity of bridges to find examples that are more-heavily-trafficked than I-35 but are in even worse shape. NBC's Lisa Myers played a clip from the titles of The Sopranos to focus on the Pulaski Skyway between Newark and Jersey City. For ABC's A Closer Look, Ned Potter selected the Bay Bridge between Oakland and San Francisco, which carries 277,000 cars each day. From Capitol Hill, CBS' Sharyl Attkisson took the infrastructure focus one step broader--including not just bridges and highways but water systems too. She estimated that only $50bn out of the annual federal budget of $2.7tr goes to infrastructure spending. Her experts told her that "just for upkeep" that total should be an annual $210bn.


Has anyone noticed how many CBS reporters have left since Kathie took over.
J. Acosta/J. Roberts to CNN
T. Regan to CNBC
Lee Cowan to NBC
E. Kalidan to local NYC cable
Gloria Borger and Sharyn Alfonsi to ??????????
Where is Mark Strassmann ???????

is the money that bad at CBS or what ???

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