COMMENTS: Guy Fawkes Fundraiser

At last, Republican candidate Ron Paul has achieved visibility on all three nightly newscasts. Last month NBC's Bob Faw and ABC's Jake Tapper made note of Paul's online appeal and fundraising prowess. Now CBS' Jeff Greenfield joins in, inspired by the $4.2m raised online from 37,000 donors in the single day of November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day as it is known in England, for a C17th saboteur whose plot to blow up London's Houses of Parliament was foiled, leaving him burned at the stake for treason. Greenfield called the $4.2m "a dramatic example" of "viral political marketing." If money is the mother's milk of politics, "he just got himself a dairy."

Greenfield played a portion of the fundraiser's online video in opposition to the Iraq War, including scenes of fireworks with La Marseillaise on the soundtrack. Greenfield reminded us that New Hampshire's motto Live Free or Die is tailormade for Paul's libertarian candidacy, a state with plenty of contrarian, independent voters. "He opposes government action almost everywhere: in the bedroom and in the boardroom…He says wars make governments too powerful. He even thinks 9/11 was, in part, a response to our--what he calls--'worldwide imperialism.' Very strong opposition."


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