Anchors at both ABC and CBS ran their Campaign 2008 features as the days count down to the Iowa caucuses. Katie Couric's theme for the day in her Primary Questions series on CBS--to which we gave the thumbs up yesterday (text link)--went like this: "Besides your family, what are you most afraid of losing?" Check for yourselves who answered what. Suffice it to say, our favorite answer was: "I am not afraid of dying and I am not afraid of anything else." Otherwise, three feared losing their health; three losing their reputation for integrity; one his enthusiasm; and two losing their love for the United States.
By the way, Mitt Romney's religious faith in the resurrection seems crystal clear: "I am going to be sad being away from them," he said, referring to his family, "when the end of life comes."
On ABC, Charles Gibson (no link) anchored from New Hampshire, where he interviewed Hillary Rodham Clinton for his Who Is? series. Her back story includes a childhood in suburban Chicago--"it was Father Knows Best, Ozzie and Harriet and Leave It To Beaver all rolled into one"--her teenage crush on pop idol Fabian, her frustrated aspiration to be an astronaut and her cowboy hat while campaigning as an AuH2O Goldwater Girl. She was homesick at Wellesley College and lovestruck at Yale Law School: "He was a force of nature. He was the center of most of the attention. I had never known anyone like him." That would be Bill Clinton, naturally.
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