End of week features included CBS' Follow the Money in which Sharyl Attkisson took us to Bonita Springs Fla, a town that turned down $10m in federal funds for a highway intersection on I-75 because it was suspiciously connected to campaign contributions organized by a local landowner to an Alaska Congressman, Republican Don Young.
From Beijing, ABC's Mark Litke looked into a Chinese cosmetic surgery boom for women wanting to look "whiter, thinner, taller"--one heightening procedure involves having your legs broken to insert metal rods.
Farah Ahmedi was seven years old when her leg was blown off by a landmine as she was escaping Taliban rule in Afghanistan. The war refugee settled in Illinois, where she wrote the memoir The Other Side of the Sky. Proceeds from the book have helped fund United Nations landmine removal programs. In NBC's Making a Difference feature Kevin Tibbles told us that Ahmedi is now a 20-year-old student--and a newly naturalized citizen of the United States.
National Geographic magazine noted that parts of the North Dakota prairie are "empty" in "irreversible decline littered with dead towns," according to ABC anchor Charles Gibson. He designated the state's entire population were his network's Persons of the Week for their voluble protests against such a slur--even as Gibson himself observed that the northern plains are "desolate and windswept." When John Hoeven, the Republican Governor, insisted that "we have a warm and wonderful state" that was too much for Gibson. The high temperature in Fargo was -6F.
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