ABC continued its expanded-Mondays series The Real 24 with a trip to Nogales as Bill Weir profiled a day in the life of the Border Patrol along the Mexico line. Each year on that sector, 450 tons of marijuana are seized and 340,000 visaless immigrants are turned away…CBS' Armen Keteyian followed up on his Investigation into FEMA's unhealthy emergency housing, trailers that continue to be used by 41,000 families. Keteyian revealed that Dr Christopher DeRosa, a senior toxicologist at the Centers for Disease Control, had wanted to issue an alert about the health risks from formaldehyde fumes but FEMA had his warning suppressed…financial news cable channel CNBC sent Maria Bartiromo to Paris to cover the $7bn lost in unauthorized financial speculation by Jerome Kerviel, the thirtysomething trader at Societe Generale. She reported on NBC that his defense lawyers claim that the bank is using him as a scapegoat to cover "huge losses in the subprime crisis"…New Year celebrations in China are usually marked by millions of urban workers returning to their native villages by train. This year heavy snows have disrupted the railroad system. ABC's Stephanie Sy told us that a station in Guangzhou Province has 200,000 passengers waiting in line. Sy cited a Chinese proverb ruefully: "When people are anxious to go home they want to travel as swiftly as an arrow." Just imagine: 200,000 passengers stuck at a single railroad station…the quality of English spoken at outsourced telephone calling centers is so low that some firms have decided to insource, Savannah Guthrie told us on NBC--not to domestic centers but by routing calls to people's homes. So now if you call JetBlue or J.Crew or Office Depot or AAA or 1-800-Flowers you are liable to be answered not by Bangalore but by a pajamaclad operator in the heartland.
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