COMMENTS: Elsewhere…

NBC's Tom Costello and CBS' Nancy Cordes picked up on an Associated Press investigation into the safety of municipal water supplies. Trace amounts of active pharmaceuticals are not filtered out and may have a slow, cumulative effect in human bodies. Both Costello and Cordes dismissed bottle water as a safer alternative since bottlers often use the same sources…high oil prices may finally be changing motorists' behavior. Both CBS' Ben Tracy and ABC's Chris Bury (embargoed link) cited statistics that mass transit is more popular now than at any time in 50 years. "Even in carcentric Los Angeles subway ridership is up," noted Tracy…NBC's Peter Alexander pointed out that the average American household spends three times as much on food as on gasoline. He offered examples of "agflation," higher prices in the grocery aisle: bread up 11% in the last year, milk 26%, eggs 40%…for NBC's Living Longer feature, Robert Bazell reported on a study of ninetysomethings at Albert Einstein Medical College. Some were overweight; some smoked cigarettes for years; all ate meat: "The best prescription for a long life is to have older parents," Bazell concluded…in Shanghai, ABC's Stephanie Sy accompanied cancer researchers as they studied a drug to shrink tumors of the lung, liver and pancreas. Chinese physicians make it from the venom on the skin of a toad. The poison causes spontaneous cell death, including cancer cells.


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