NBC's Ron Mott told us of trouble for GoogleMaps' 360-degree Street View neighborhood photographs. A photographer in Pittsburgh missed the sign where the public thoroughfare turned into a private road so Google is being sued for invasion…ABC celebrated the International Breast Milk Project last October for organizing wet nurses to milk themselves to send bottles to AIDS orphans in Africa. Now the aid comes closer to home as Sharyn Alfonsi shows us Isabella Sciulli, an orphaned premature baby in Pittsburgh, who was nursed to health with milk from those same strangers' teats…from Los Angeles, CBS' Sandra Hughes celebrated the latest coed to join the Antelopes' tennis team at Grand Canyon University. Sheila Johnson dropped out in 1968 but is now hitting the books again--and playing doubles--at the age of sixty. "Let us see that famous Sheila drop shot," shouted Hughes from the wrong side of the net. Love-15.
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