COMMENTS: West Virginia Walkover

Tuesday is another primary day in Campaign 2008. Only CBS sent a reporter to West Virginia. Jim Axelrod consulted the polls and predicted "a huge win" for Hillary Rodham Clinton. She "is not even hinting at dropping out any time soon," Axelrod observed, "but on the stump her tone has shifted, sticking to bland and safe parts of her stump speech and going nowhere near attacks on Barack Obama." NBC's Andrea Mitchell was in Washington DC, where Rodham Clinton's aides assured her that, despite $20m in debt, her campaign will continue "until at least June 3rd." Mitchell consulted with unidentified Democratic Party strategists and they were unfazed by that schedule: "As long as she aims her fire at John McCain and not Obama this long goodbye could help them prepare her supporters for her inevitable withdrawal." So ABC News turned to the expected General Election match-up between McCain and Obama. Its latest opinion poll has Obama "pulling ahead now outside the margin of error" (51% v 44%), according to George Stephanopoulos. The poll found more voters "uncomfortable" with the idea of a seventysomething President than with either an African-American President or a female one. The 82% who saw the country going in the wrong direction was the highest proportion since 1973: "No incumbent party has ever held the White House in the face of numbers like that."


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