Inside the Beltway, NBC's Lisa Myers and ABC's David Wright (embargoed link) both picked up on a Government Accountability Office report on drivers with commercial licenses: more than half a million of those behind the wheel of trucks and buses may be medically disabled. CBS had Nancy Cordes file on the latest twist in the salmonella investigation by the Food & Drug Administration. Instead of avoiding raw tomatoes, diners are now advised to eschew raw jalapeno peppers. Food was the angle of Neal Karlinsky's report from Beijing in the run-up to the Olympics for ABC. China's unregulated agriculture uses so many antibiotics and growth stimulants and steroids that athletes are afraid to eat everyday food for fear of a positive doping test. NBC filed an Olympic preview too: Mark Mullen offered a brief progress report via broadband on the third day of Beijing's clean air drive, just two and a half more weeks to go.
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