COMMENTS: McCain’s New Gotcha! Rules

After last week's stumbling interview with CBS anchor Katie Couric, Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin came back for more in Ohio, but this time with her leader John McCain by her side. Couric claimed another Exclusive. She put it to Palin that she had "gotten a lot of flak" from her fellow Republicans for not being "ready for primetime," as the saying goes. "Well not only am I ready but willing and able to serve," was her response. McCain chimed in to defend his running mate, the Governor of Alaska: "It is not the first time that I have seen a governor questioned by some 'expert.'" He proceeded to compare Palin with Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. "I have seen underestimation before."

That sounded like a set-up line for Lloyd Bentsen.

By the way, McCain also expanded his definition of "this day and age's gotcha! journalism." It now includes a reporter covering an answer a candidate gives to a question at a public event. He argued that because Palin's response was in "a pizza place in a conversation with someone who you did not hear the question very well. You do not know the context of the conversation, you grab a phrase…" Couric rejected McCain's new ground rules: "It was not a gotcha! She was talking to a voter."


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