COMMENTS: Palin on the Wisdom of the People

CBS anchor Katie Couric filed her own preview to the St Louis debate with a couple of Vice-Presidential Questions contrasting the answers of Joe Biden and Sarah Palin to questions on abortion rights and the separation of church and state. "I think the liberty clause of the 14th Amendment offers a right to privacy. Now that is one of the big debates I have with my conservative scholar friends," insisted Biden. He will not be having that debate with Palin, apparently. "Do you think there is an inherent right to privacy in the Constitution?" "I do. Yes, I do."

Couric's second question allowed Gov Palin to display, once more, the unique sentence structure of her rhetorical style: Thomas Jefferson's intention in expressing a separation "was so government did not mandate a religion on the people and Thomas Jefferson also said 'Never underestimate the wisdom of the people' and the wisdom of the people, I think, in this issue, is that people have the right, and the ability, and the desire, to express their own religious views, be it on a very personal level--which is where I choose to express my faith--or in a more public forum, and the wisdom of the people, thankfully ingrained in the foundation of our country, is so extremely important and Thomas Jefferson wanted to protect that."


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