CBS News Investigates probed the voter registration efforts of ACORN, the grass roots community activist organization. Armen Keteyian recited a litany of outrageous irregularities in the forms its workers submitted to add names to the rolls. He mentioned fake identities and duplicate names and non-existent addresses and applications by prison inmates and by dead people and names copied from the telephone book. He protested that ACORN's workers may have cut corners since they were under pressure to meet quotas for pay. Yet for all those anecdotes, Keteyian told us that out of 1.3m new names, red flags have been raised on 10,000 in just a dozen states, which is only a 0.7% error rate. Keteyian quoted John McCain calling it voter fraud. Yet none of those 10,000 has voted--they represent mere applications to register to vote.
It seems that Keteyian is overreacting to GOP talking points here.
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