ABC's sentimental closer came from Aledo Tex where the local high school elected 18-year-old Kristin Pass to be queen of its homecoming football game. Pass is newsworthy, Ryan Owens told us, because she happens to be a Down syndrome patient. "The ceremony at the stadium was perfect," the queen's mother told him, "except for one thing--they did not have enough tissues to hand out to the crowd." Families of Down syndrome patients are flocking to the campaign trail, noted NBC's Savannah Guthrie, to attend Sarah Palin's rallies. The Republican Vice-Presidential candidate gave birth to a son with the syndrome six months ago. Palin offered a rare q-&-a soundbite to Guthrie on the topic. Guthrie did not ask for a policy position on the federal role in supporting care for disabled children. Instead she asked: "Is it emotional for you to see these faces?" "Very emotional, very emotional, yes."
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