COMMENTS: Casino McCain

Sharyl Attkisson, who examined John McCain's fundraising statistics for CBS' Follow the Money on Friday--he is the favorite of the Las Vegas casino industry--tried to file a symmetrical feature on Barack Obama's institutional funding base. She confessed her inability to identify what type of person most of his money comes from since "lots of Obama donors do not have to be disclosed at all under federal law because they gave under $200." As for Obama's fat cats, Attkisson zeroed in on bailed out financial firms. While the donor list for both candidates "reads like a Who's Who of the Wall Street collapse," Obama has outraised McCain by better than three-to-one from the bankers at Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan.

Incidentally, McCain's support from the money men on the Vegas Strip reminds me of a little noted aside during his interview with NBC anchor Brian Williams last month just before the first debate, when his campaign for President was technically suspended: "If you were a betting man, would you bet we shall see you Oxford, Mississippi tomorrow night?" "Well, I am a betting man!"

The flip side of McCain's ties to casino management is that Obama is mobilizing their workers. "Nevada's largest union planned today's get-out-the-vote efforts," noted Chris Jansing in her NBC In Depth feature on the role of the Hispanic vote in southwestern states. "They are targeting fellow culinary workers in areas hit hard by layoffs." Jansing called the Latino vote "critical" in Nevada and Colorado and New Mexico too.


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