COMMENTS: They Shuffled off from Buffalo

ABC's David Muir and CBS' Michelle Miller surveyed the mournful roll of slain passengers: law student Ellyce Kausner; Rwanda genocide expert Alison des Forges; former college hockey player Madeline Loftus; jazz musicians Gerry Niewood and Coleman Mellett. Most prominent was Beverly Eckert. ABC anchor Charles Gibson (embargoed link) recalled interviewing her on Good Morning America. NBC's former anchor Tom Brokaw had covered Eckert too, and he filed a tribute for the Making a Difference feature.

The widow Eckert had been bereaved on September 11th, 2001. She was on Continental Flight 3407 in order to return to her home town to award a high school scholarship in her late husband's memory. Sean Rooney had been working in the South Tower of the World Trade Center when it was attacked. Eckert went on to form Voices of September 11th, an advocacy group that lobbied successfully for the formation of the 9/11 Commission. It was in that activist capacity that Brokaw had covered her. "Her story was at once haunting and inspirational," he reminisced. "It is the story of an elegant woman who, in her grief, gave all of us a lesson in life."


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