The Bernard Madoff story is becoming the specialty beat of the networks' investigative units. Of the last ten stories about Madoff on the nightly newscasts, seven have been filed by NBC's Lisa Myers or ABC's Brian Ross or CBS' Armen Keteyian. ABC's Ross used his telephoto lens Wednesday to spy on Ruth Madoff in the couple's Manhattan penthouse apartment. Now CBS' Investigation sends Keteyian to the Orthopedic Specialty Group clinic in Fairfield Ct to sit down with some of Madoff's defrauded investors. Madoff handled $33m for the clinic's retirement fund so now its 140 workers have applied to the federal Securities Investor Protection Corporation for their promised $500,000 compensation. Keteyian found the fly in that ointment. SIPC insures investment accounts not individual investors. So the $500K has to be split 140 ways.
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