Instead of the healthcare system, CBS covered a specific disease. There is no surprise that it should be colon cancer, since anchor Katie Couric is a national spokeswoman for its prevention and awareness. She assigned in-house physician Jon LaPook to publicize a nationwide survey--in which her activist group participated--on state-by-state legislation concerning colonoscopies: 21 states require insurers to pay for preventive screening; 19 have no such requirement.
A couple of years ago Tyndall Report challenged a claim by Couric that colonoscopies not only save lives but they also save money by preventing the costly care for full blown cancer. Now in LaPook's report David Johnson, a past president of the American College of Gastroenterology, makes the same money-saving claim. This makes no sense. If insurers could indeed save money by paying $3,000 for a colonoscopy for every single fiftysomething, why does there need to be state laws to oblige them to cover the procedure?
Fact check please.
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