COMMENTS: Schadenfreude for Steve Forbes

It is that time again for Forbes magazine to reap free publicity by focusing on the filthy rich. This year Dan Harris drew the Billionaires List assignment at ABC as he did in 2008; in 2007 ABC gave the job to Bill Weir. Just check the previous two entries and you can see times change. In both 2007 and 2008, the grinning publisher Steve Forbes ventured a cheesy dating joke about an unmarried plutocrat and how we might be able to sleep our way to wealth. No humor this time: "In the last year the world's richest 1,000-or-so people lost $2tr," Harris informed us. "We had over 300 dropouts. We have never had so many dropouts in one year," pouted the publisher.

Now listen to Anthony Mason's lame justification about why it is in our interest to have the Forbes list grow longer on CBS. "Remember, two-thirds of these billionaires are self-made. They are the pioneering businessmen like Bill Gates who created companies that have created the jobs and the wealth in this country so we want them to get richer because when they do, we do." At least he did not suggest prostituting ourselves. Yet still, Mason preposterously implies, mere multi-millionaires do no hiring when they run a business.


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