COMMENTS: Rolling Recession

As Tyndall Report commented last month, "you know the economic news is bad whenever ABC rolls out its wheel format to tell you about it." In February, its wheels covered domestic unemployment. From London, we were introduced to a global rotation of female ABCNewsers to share the penury the G20 is supposed to remedy. Clarissa Ward kicked off from Tokyo where "losing your job means losing your company housing"…on to Sydney and Margaret Conley where garment work is being outsourced to China…next Karen Russo in India's diamond center where demand has dried up and hundreds of factories have been closed…the slump in safari tourism in Kenya means that wildlife reserves will no longer be protected from poachers, Dana Hughes warned…and Lama Hasan concluded the tour in Budapest where the forint's devaluation threatens the entire nation of Hungary with bankruptcy.

By coincidence, NBC's one-man European recession report by Jim Maceda happened to begin with Hungary's looming bankruptcy, before he moved on to the bursting of the construction bubble in Spain, "the Florida of Europe." So many laid-off construction workers have been forced back to agricultural labor that the Spanish government is offering migrant workers $14,000 each to return to their homelands to free up farm jobs.


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