Amid all that joblessness, NBC filed a report on the homeless and CBS on the hungry. The 32m Americans on food stamps now receive 13% more money on their supermarket debit cards, CBS' Nancy Cordes told us. The extra will help hungry families, of course, but Cordes explained why it is paid for from the federal government's stimulus legislation: "The main goal is to help the grocer," whose increased sales volume will require more workers. Janet Shamlian filed some nitty-gritty video of the back streets of Philadelphia for her Making a Difference feature for NBC. Shamlian profiled the Back On My Feet roadrunning club for street people, including onetime drug addicts "hoping for that runner's high." Shamlian misidentified the high as "that sense of accomplishment" when in fact it is a shot of endorphins. The junkie joggers are organized by marathoner Anne Mahlum, who was ABC's Person of the Week at the end of 2007. Mahlum's next stop must surely be CBS' Assignment America.
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