COMMENTS: One Hundred Minus One

This is the 99th day of Barack Obama's Presidency, so all three newscasts geared up for the big One Hundred. CBS kicked off a series dubbed The First 100 Days--The Next 100 Days with Jeff Greenfield's history lesson on why the round number is such a big deal. "Obama is being measured by a standard that was born almost 30 years before he was." A hundred days was the period between Franklin Delano Roosevelt's inauguration and the first Congressional recess, in which time major New Deal legislation was passed. "Every President since has entered the White House knowing he will be judged by that inevitable, if highly dubious, standard."

On ABC, David Wright looked at the First Family's first hundred days, narrating a photomontage by Pete Souza, the White House photographer. We saw the jungle gym and the garden and the dog and the movie theater: "The Obamas seem comfortable."

While CBS' White House correspondent was assigned serious news--Chip Reid on Arlen Specter's party-switching--and ABC's covered the trivial--Jake Tapper on the Air Force One brouhaha--NBC's Chuck Todd was on the hundred days beat, summarizing the results of his network's latest opinion poll with The Wall Street Journal. The poll found the President with a 61% job approval rating and an 81% personal approval rating. During his hundred days in office, the percentage of Americans believing that the nation is headed in the right direction has risen from 26% to 43%.


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