COMMENTS: Narrow Spectrum of Specter Metaphors

Looking for a metaphor to describe the decision by Arlen Specter, five-term Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, to switch to the Democratic Party? Try tectonic. "A political earthquake"--ABC's Jonathan Karl; "a seismic shift"--NBC's Kelly O'Donnell. Looking for a metaphor to describe how a supermajority transforms the balance of power in the US Senate? Try supernatural. "The magical sixtieth vote"--CBS' Chip Reid; "60, the magic number"--NBC's O'Donnell. Looking for a metaphor to describe the impact on his former co-partisans? Try trench warfare. "Shell-shocked Republicans"--ABC's Karl; "shell-shocked Senate Republicans"--CBS' Reid.

Specter explained that he was changing parties because he wanted to be reelected. If he had remained a Republican, a primary defeat at the hands of Patrick Twomey Toomey would have been his likely fate. "He left to further his personal political interests," was how ABC's Karl quoted RNC Chairman Michael Steele. Karl called Steele's comments "blistering" whereas accurate could have served just as well. "Nothing more, nothing less than political self-preservation," was how CBS' Reid quoted Texan John Cornyn. Reid characterized Sen Cornyn as criticizing "the crassest kind of politics" whereas a compliment for accuracy could have served just as well.

George Stephanopoulos, anchor of ABC's This Week provided some contrast to this lockstep. He quoted the maxim by a Republican whom he did not name: "60 seats is not 60 votes." Besides Specter, "there are a lot of conservative and moderate Democrats who are resisting Barack Obama's agenda on big issues like healthcare and energy." Filibusters may yet succeed whichever party Specter decides to caucus with.


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