Covering David Souter's exit from the White House, NBC's Savannah Guthrie called Barack Obama's aides "ready." The President "personally gave his staff some names to consider" back in December, before he even took office. As Jake Tapper put it on ABC, "the administration has been preparing for this since before there was an Obama Administration."
The shortlists for the nominee to replace Souter were drawn up by Jeff Greenfield at CBS, Guthrie at NBC and Jan Crawford Greenburg at ABC. Top of the list, proposed on all three newscasts were Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Diane Wood got a mention from ABC and NBC and three other women were mentioned by CBS' Greenfield: Kimberly McLane Wardlaw, Leah Ward Sears and Jennifer Granholm. "The working assumption inside the White House is that President Obama will pick a woman," reported ABC's George Stephanopoulos (as part of the Tapper videostream). CBS' Greenfield was the only reporter to float male trial balloons: Deval Patrick and Harold Yoh.
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