COMMENTS: Gregory’s Fact Checking Grows Rusty

Dick Cheney is making so much news that NBC had Meet the Press anchor David Gregory return to his old Nightly News timeslot to profile him. "Out of office and now out on a limb," was how Gregory characterized Cheney's "newfound fondness for the public spotlight." Gregory used this tendentious Cheney soundbite from Fox News Channel: "I do not think we should just roll over when the new administration says--accuses us of--committing torture, which we did not, or somehow violating the law, which we did not." Gregory really should have pointed out that Barack Obama has explicitly rejected the idea of a war crimes prosecution. It is bad journalism knowingly to run a misleading soundbite without notifying the audience of the deception.

On ABC's A Closer Look, Jonathan Karl, too, noted that Cheney "seems to be everywhere…the most visible Republican in the country these days." Karl depicted a shrinking Grand Old Party, losing a "moderate" like Arlen Specter with Charlie Crist, the newly-announced Senate candidate from Florida, being "one of the few recent bright spots" of ideological diversity. Cheney, like talkshow host Rush Limbaugh "rejects the idea that the party needs to be more moderate to win," Karl commented, adding the history lesson that the last time the Republicans were such an embattled minority was 30 years ago. "They came roaring back just a couple of years later with the Reagan Revolution."


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