COMMENTS: ABC’s Karl Calls it Harsh; Karl Rove Calls it Torture

Only ABC decided that Thursday's assertion by Speaker Nancy Pelosi that the CIA lied to her about torture in a briefing in 2002 was worthy of a follow-up. Jonathan Karl characterized Director Leon Panetta--a former colleague of Pelosi's in the California Democratic Congressional delegation--as "pushing back hard" against the Speaker. Panetta relied on his agency's "contemporaneous records" to claim that his spies told her the truth about the CIA's use of the waterboard torture--Karl could call it no worse than a "harsh interrogation tactic." Pledged Panetta: "It is not our policy or practice to mislead Congress. That is against our laws and our values."

Pelosi responded by claiming that her condemnation for lying was directed at the Bush Administration not against the CIA's spooks. ABC's Karl contradicted her point: Pelosi's briefers "were career intelligence officers; these were not political operatives from the Bush Administration." Yet that administration's chief operative, Karl Rove, appeared to admit to war crimes. ABC's Karl quoted Rove's seeming confession in The Wall Street Journal that "the crime of torture" had been committed and that Pelosi herself was "an accessory."


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