Roland Burris, the junior Senator from Illinois, replaced Barack Obama. He was named to the seat by the now-impeached Gov Rod Blagojevich. "Back in January he denied under oath having any discussions with the Blagojevich team about the Senate seat," ABC's Jonathan Karl reminded us even as he played wiretapped audiotapes of Burris having precisely such a discussion with the then-governor's brother Robert. "Incriminating," was how Karl called it.
Yet there was one clip in which Burris flat out insisted that he personally could not raise campaign funds for Blagojevich: "I guarantee you that that will get out. And people will say: 'Oh, Burris is doing a fundraiser." And then Rod and I are both going to catch hell. And if I do get appointed that means I bought it. If I do not get appointed, then my people, who I am trying to raise money from, are going to look at me like: 'What was that all about, Roland?'"
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