COMMENTS: Would a Wise Sotomayor be Better than a White Male?

For the third time this week, Sonia Sotomayor was Story of the Day. This time the news was made at the White House, which decided to defend its Supreme Court nominee against accusations of racism. President Barack Obama did so in person on NBC in an Exclusive sitdown with anchor Brian Williams for his documentary Inside the Obama White House, which will air in primetime next week. ABC and CBS covered the White House defense of Sotomayor by using the words of Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Both CBS and NBC led with Sotomayor. ABC chose the looming bankruptcy of General Motors. With NBC's Williams at the White House preparing for his documentary, his newscast used Lester Holt as substitute anchor.

At issue was the now infamous single sentence that Sotomayor uttered at the University of California in 2001: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who has not lived that life." NBC's Savannah Guthrie and CBS' Wyatt Andrews both pointed out that this one sentence was enough for the judge to be branded a racist by talkradio host Rush Limbaugh. ABC's Jake Tapper did not portray Limbaugh as being quite that harsh, characterizing his criticism as merely finding "evidence of racism." Tapper is understating the facts. "Racist," was indeed Limbaugh's insult--and former Speaker Newt Gingrich's too.

After two days of sloppy representation of Sotomayor's convoluted sentence, all three newscasts did the right thing and quoted it in full. The White House was not so straightforward. Far from defending the nominee's sentiments, Obama and Gibbs claimed they were paraphrasing her while in truth they baldly contradicted her. This is how President Obama "restated" Sotomayor's words for NBC's Williams: "Her life experiences will give her information…that will make her a good judge." ABC's Tapper quoted Gibbs' inaccurate paraphrase thus: "She was simply making the point that personal experiences are relevant to the process of judging."

No! That is not the point she was making. She was expressing the hope that rich personal experiences--the kind that wise Hispanic women enjoy--might tend to be superior to narrow ones, which white men may be confined by.

CBS' Andrews, meanwhile, referred us to Sotomayor's decisions from the bench, as analyzed by, "a neutral Website." It studied the 50 cases concerning discrimination against racial minorities on which she ruled to see if there is evidence of prejudice against white people. "The judge ruled against minorities in 45 out of 50 cases."


How you tell when politician lie?

Comrade Pelosi blink

Slick Willy rub nose.

Comrade Obma open mouth

Dumb Donkey Gibbs laugh...Hehaw..he..haw..he..haw!

I Igor produce Barrack Milhaus Hussein Obama Birth Certificate at

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