COMMENTS: Government Motors Gets Down to Business

General Motors, even as it languishes in bankruptcy, has already unveiled an image to stay in business. All three newscasts filed a follow-up on GM's Chapter 11 filing that included snippets of free publicity for its new ad campaign. This is not about Going out of Business. This is about Getting down to Business was the slogan selected by ABC's David Muir. The only Chapter we are Focused on is Chapter One appealed to CBS' Anthony Mason. Leaner. Greener. Faster. Smarter. quoted CNBC's Phil LeBeau on NBC.

Apart from that the three reporters took different angles. CNBC's LeBeau analyzed GM's underdog pitch as "stealing a page" from Lee Iacocca and Chrysler in the 1970s. CBS' Mason contrasted GM's strategy with that at Ford Motors, which has chosen to borrow to keep out of bankruptcy. ABC's Muir had the most interesting take, wondering what will happen when the federal government, as GM's majority owner, finds its public policy in conflict with its commercial stake. Will it insist that GM makes greener, more fuel efficient vehicles even if they are less profitable? Will it insist that GM keep factories open in the United States even if foreign plants make more money? Will it maintain fair competition amongst automakers, including Ford Motors, or will it use its enormous financial muscle to ensure that GM prevails?


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