COMMENTS: A Classified Pentagon Charity

When Sharyl Attkisson Follows the Money on CBS, her favorite trail leads to Johnstown Pa, the home of master-appropriator John Murtha. For the third time this year, Attkisson has examined the allocation of federal funds by the Pennsylvania Democrat. This time she is scrutinizing a pittance in the scheme of things, just $45m in Pentagon research contracts to the Commonwealth Research Institute. It is the conduit for its distribution, rather than its amount, that smells fishy. The institute, it turns out, is a charity, getting the "same benefits as the Salvation Army," even though it helps military soldiers not Onward Christian ones.

Attkisson recalled that when CRI applied to the IRS for not-for-profit status nine years ago, it "promised to serve the public by publishing most of its research." Since then not a word has gone public; the institute does not even have a Website; it refuses to disclose how many employees it has or how it has spent the $45m. All of its work is classified, the institute insists. Attkisson called the charity one of Congressman Murtha's "pet projects" but did not elaborate on any connection between the two: "There is no evidence Murtha profited," she assured us.


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