COMMENTS: Fiat-Chrysler Block is Big Deal--or Not

It was not clear whether the delay to the Fiat-Chrysler merger plan was newsworthy or not. ABC treated it as big news, assigning its lead item to Chris Bury to cover the lawsuit by three Indiana pension funds against Chrysler's bankruptcy reorganization. The lawsuit has "enormous consequences," Bury claimed, because "what happens in this case is important not only to Chrysler but also to General Motors." On CBS, Anthony Mason (no link) warned that "if this deal is not closed by June 15th--which is only one week from today--Fiat does have the right to back out and Chrysler maintains if it loses Fiat then the only alternative for the company would be liquidation."

On the other hand, the Supreme Court's decision to halt the merger may be no big deal. NBC's Pete Williams called it "a temporary hold," which "probably just means the Justices want more time to think it over." Williams' fellow Courtwatcher, Jan Crawford Greenburg at ABC, had the same take: "The key word is temporary," she emphasized. "This is really the safest course of action…There are hundreds of pages of briefs for the Justices to read."


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