An investment bank, a credit card company and a financial conglomerate were among the ten big names that repaid TARP funds to the Treasury Department seven months after taking out the loans: $68bn plus $2bn interest. CBS' Anthony Mason listed Goldman Sachs, American Express and JP Morgan as the major former debtors, as $131bn remain outstanding. ABC's Betsy Stark pointed to the "two big names missing from this group"--Citigroup and Bank of America--that together owe TARP $90bn. Stark weighed the pros and cons on whether the financial crisis has been resolved. Banks have increased their lending and started to post profits, she admitted; yet those toxic assets are still on their books and losses are looming from credit cards and commercial real estate.
"How do you know that these banks are not going to come back in the future and need more bailouts?" was the question asked by NBC's Savannah Guthrie in a brief stand-up report. She answered on behalf of the Treasury Department: "It is confident because it has conducted stress tests."
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