COMMENTS: Testosterone Thinking

Tabloid topics occupied the top three spots of the day's agenda as Mark Sanford rounded out Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Gov Sanford, Wednesday's Story of the Day, was in seclusion at his beach house on the South Carolina shore with his estranged wife Jenny after publicly declaring his love for another woman at a lachrymose statehouse press conference. CBS' Kelly Cobiella identified his amour as a 43-year-old divorced mother of two from Buenos Aires. Sanford traveled to South America last summer on a Commerce Department trade mission, NBC's Mark Potter reported, and would now reimburse the state for the cost of the Argentine part of the trip. CBS' Cobiella told us that reporters had asked if he is planning to resign: "No."

"Bicoastal, bipartisan and bisexual," John Berman summarized for ABC's A Closer Look as he surveyed sexual peccadillos by prominent politicians. The thing everyone on his list does have in common is that "they are all men." Berman consulted his colleague Cokie Roberts for her opinion. Roberts does not have a relaxed reputation in matters marital: "Testosterone is a powerful hormone and it seems to drive some men to do things that they would not rationally do if they were thinking with another part of their body."


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