COMMENTS: Hasan, the Arab Hokie

NBC's Jim Miklaszewski identified Nadal Hasan as a "suspect" in the killings, even though he was reportedly already dead. His medical specialty was "mental health disorders and treating combat stress." CBS reported that Hasan's psychiatric specialty was drug rehabilitation: "Drug-related cases of violence are among the most frequent kinds of violence in the army so there is a very cruel irony to this," CBS' David Martin observed,

NBC's Pete Williams quoted Kay Bailey Hutchison, who represents the residents of Fort Hood in the Senate, as stating that Hasan "had been heard being very vocally critical" of a looming deployment to a middle eastern war zone. Neither NBC or CBS made note of Hasan's religion or his ethnicity. ABC did. Martha Raddatz quoted the reaction of an officer's wife upon learning the name Nadal Hasan: "I wish his name was Smith." ABC's Brian Ross reported that he was not a convert to Islam but born into a Moslem family: "Our information now is that he attended Damascus University in Syria and may be Jordanian--likely not a convert in that case." NBC's Williams, by contrast, listed the psychiatrist's academic background as Virginia Tech followed by the Uniformed Services' University of Health in Maryland.


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