Oprah, TV's daytime talkshow, had the Fort Hood scoop as Oprah Winfrey landed a remote interview with the civilian police officers credited with putting a stop to Nidal Hasan, the major accused of being the gunman. Last Friday, ABC designated Kimberly Munley as its Person of the Week, giving her sole credit for halting the massacre. Oprah had her fellow sergeant Mark Todd join Munley at her hospital bedside. Their version was that Munley fired on Hasan first but was wounded; Todd shot second, disabling the gunman. Both ABC's Bob Woodruff and CBS' Bob Teague played clips from Winfrey's q-&-a. Presumably because of rights issues, neither package is posted online as a videostream. CBS' Teague told us that before the police arrived, unarmed soldiers tried to protect themselves by throwing tables and chairs at the gunman.
NBC's Mark Potter, who showed us the Veterans Day parade in which 85 different groups marched through Killeen's sun-drenched downtown, also told us about Sgt Munley's appearance on Oprah: "She says that after being shot she struggled to remain conscious and, important for investigators, says she remembers everything about the incident."
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