COMMENTS: Costly Discounts & Lucrative Non-Profits

Watch out for online travel, movie and flower delivery retailers, NBC's Lisa Myers warned, such as Expedia, Orbitz, Priceline, Fandango and FTD. They often offer a $10 discount coupon at the end of each credit card purchase. Applying for the coupon enrolls you in a membership club run by a third party. The site provides the club with your credit card number; the club bills you monthly for a membership fee; it kicks back a portion of that fee to the originating site. Myers used Senate hearings as her news hook to describe how these schemes work.

On CBS, Sharyl Attkisson picked up on a study by Charity Navigator for her Follow the Money report. She contrasted trends for executives at corporations and philanthropies. Bosses at businesses are averaging a 9% pay cut during the recession; at not-for-profits their pay has increased by 6%, even as overall charitable donations have declined 2%. "IRS rules forbid excessive compensation but that is subjective and the tax man is not known for going after charities."

Attkisson singled out five worst offenders: the Wildlife Conservation Society, Inspirational Networks, the Boy Scouts of America, the Association of Firefighters and Paramedics, the Committee for Missing Children.


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