COMMENTS: Indestructible Football

Both ABC and NBC closed the week with Third World charities. Michael Okwu took us to Project Cure's warehouse in Colorado for NBC's Making a Difference where surplus medical supplies from hospitals and collected, sorted, tested and shipped for reuse at the poorest clinics and hospitals in more than 120 countries. Photojournalist Bobby Sager and pop singer Sting were ABC's Persons of the Week for their book project The Power of the Invisible Sun, named after the hit song Sting wrote thirty years ago.

On the day that FIFA made its draw for the World Cup (see Nate Silver's predictions here) in South Africa it was apt that anchor Charles Gibson should publicize Sager's shots. Sting noticed one in particular--"a very poignant picture," he called it--of the makeshift football children used for a kickaround in a refugee camp in Rwanda. Sting commissioned the research & development of the Indestructible Ball: "It feels like a football. You can stick a knife in it. You can drive a car over it." And you can pay for its distribution to children all over the world by buying Sager's book.


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