COMMENTS: Teheran, Mumbai, Now Zad

Besides the features from the rising Indian Ocean, it was a heavy day of international news. The western news media were not allowed to report from Iran, so Elizabeth Palmer in CBS' London bureau voiced over videotape from the student demonstrators of Teheran as they took to the streets in continued protests, accusing the Islamic Republic of rigging this summer's presidential election: "Police fought back with tear gas, stun guns and even hurled rocks."

Both CBS and NBC used their Washington bureaus to file an update on last year's raid in downtown Mumbai by ten gunmen from the Pakistan-based Lakshar-e-Taiba that killed as many as 170 people. CBS' Bob Orr and NBC's Pete Williams both covered charges by federal prosecutors that a Pakistani-American from Chicago had personally scouted targets, including photographic boat trips around Mumbai Harbor looking for landings for the raid's rubber rafts. David Headley had been arrested in October for an alleged plot against the newspaper in Denmark that published inflammatory cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Mohammed, CBS' Orr told us. "Once in jail, Headley started talking" about Mumbai.

Miguel Marquez continued his embedded tour of duty with the Marine Corps for ABC in Afghanistan's Helmand Province. Friday, he told us about their attack on the ghost town of Now Zad. Now he shows us the cache of rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and bombmaking materiel that the Taliban guerrillas left behind when they decided not to put up a fight.


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