COMMENTS: Contrasting Styles from the Rising Indian Ocean

Mark Phillips, in his Eye on… feature for CBS, offered a quirky approach to the dangers of climate change from the sun-soaked beaches of The Maldives. He walked barefoot along the sands washed by the Indian Ocean…he snorkeled over depleted coral reefs…he stood chest deep in warm seawater to illustrate the threat of rising waters from melting ice caps. President Mohamed Nasheed of the archipelago nation has taken a similarly zany approach towards his people's peril: he "decided to make as big a splash as possible to publicize the threat. He held a cabinet meeting under water."

Ian Williams' approach for NBC's A Perfect Storm series was less cute, more searing--and more effective. He showed us "makeshift huts of bamboo and twigs squeezed on top of the broken sea walls" of the Delta of Bangladesh on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. The encroaching sea is contaminating drinking water and destroying crops. Millions of delta dwellers are forced to move to the squalid slums of Dhaka. "The threat of millions on the move, mostly poor and desperate, is one reason why India is building a frontier barrier, fencing off Bangladesh."


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