COMMENTS: Where is Rami Zamzam?

The arrest of Rami Zamzam, a student of dentistry at Howard University, with four friends in a house in Sargodha in northeastern Pakistan inspired plenty of generalization but little information.

"Intelligence officials are increasingly worried that al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations are trying to recruit Americans, who might draw less attention when they travel to Pakistan and Afghanistan for training," ABC's Pierre Thomas observed. CBS' Bob Orr told us that unidentified "terror analysts" are speculating that Zamzam "may be the latest example of US citizens and residents reaching directly to international terrorist organizations." Orr himself has reported on the three examples he used: Najibullah Zazi, who allegedly tried to make a bomb in Queens NY out of women's beauty products; the al-Shabab faction in the civil war of Somalia, suspected of recruiting volunteers from a Minneapolis mosque; and Lakshar-e-Taibi, the Kashmiri independence fighters, for whom Chicagoan David Headley was accused of plotting on Monday.

As for Zamzam and his friends, NBC's Pete Williams consulted unidentified US official sources: "None of these students appears to have had any kind of military-style training or to have made other preparations." The reason the FBI was searching for them was that their families and Moslem community leaders were concerned after they left home, CBS' Orr added: "Officials do not believe they attended any terror training camp. Sources say it is premature to conclude they had any terrorist intentions."


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