Violence closer to the United States border caught Bill Whitaker's eye for CBS. He gave us an Exclusive look at a 166-foot-long smuggling tunnel built by narcotraffickers in Tijuana that was discovered and sealed off just 50 feet short of US territory. Whitaker profiled Police Chief Julian Leyzaola. When Leyzaola took over the Tijuana department he "soon realized he did not just have to clean the drug criminals off the streets; he had to clean them out of this own police department. He says he investigated all 2,200 officers; 460 were fired or jailed for having ties to drug cartels." Attending funerals "is a growing part" of Leyzaola's job. So far this year, 28 officers on his force have been slain. "Cartel killers threatened to murder five officers a week until he leaves office."
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