COMMENTS: Footloose in Mogadishu

ABC's Pierre Thomas was in New York to report on streetfighting in downtown Kingston. Some 30 people are dead as supporters of Christopher Coke, "a folk hero, a Robin Hood like figure," fight to prevent his extradition to the United States on narcotics charges. The fighting is happening "only two hours from Jamaica's famous resorts," Thomas told us.

ABC's Barbara Pinto was in Phoenix to report on military reinforcements being added to the border with Mexico. Arizona politicians, she reminded us, are worried about rising violent crime and depleted social services because of illegal immigration. Newly arriving National Guard troops will not address those problems, since they are "not law enforcement officers but will provide surveillance."

NBC's Richard Engel trumped those two overseas angles with a searing second part of The Most Dangerous Place in the World feature on Mogadishu (this is part one). He told us that most of the guerrillas in the Shabab militia that controls the city are teenagers. Their method of law enforcement is to amputate a right hand and a left foot of accused thieves. Engel sat down in the bushes with a 20-year-old who had his foot cut off: "The militants returned 15 days later and sawed off two more inches just to make him suffer."


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