Sendai, city of one million, many sans power, water, shelter: ABC's Diane Sawyer, NBC's Lester Holt, CBS' Bill Whitaker
Moonscape tours: Minami Sanriku by CBS' Harry Smith, Ishinomaki by ABC's Clarissa Ward, Natori by CBS' Ben Tracy
ABC anchor Diane Sawyer astonished by active recycling, absence of looting; compliments Buddha, Confucius
Fukushima could not happen here? Right? CBS at Diablo Canyon, ABC at San Onofre, NBC's Lisa Myers cites GE's ownership stake
ABC and CBS hired in-house consultants on nuclear safety, Joe Cirincione and Cham Dallas; NBC aired q-&-a with Carnegie's James Acton
NBC loves expats in peril: modeled on Tahrir Square's Mary Thornberry, twitter-alerted Ann Curry finds Canon Purdy for her sister
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