COMMENTS: The Rocky Tenure of Saint Peter’s Successor

Pope Benedict XVI was Story of the Day again. Monday, the gathering of the Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church for their Conclave led the agenda. Now it is the farewell address of the abdicating Pontifex Maximus, with his headline revelation that, at times during his tenure, it seemed to him that God was sleeping. ABC led with the speech, with Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos describing it, opaquely, as "buoyant and subdued," whatever that means. Neither of the other two newscasts picked the Vatican for its lead item: CBS settled for the Senate and gun control; NBC for the Supreme Court and race relations.

NBC and CBS chose the correspondents they had already in place in the Eternal City to cover Benedict's valedictory, Anne Thompson and Allen Pizzey respectively. David Wright, who preceded Stephanopoulos to Rome, was assigned a follow-up to preview the Conclave -- and a sophomoric job he did, too (it plays at the tail of the Stephanopoulos videostream). I know the concept of the Holy Trinity is hard to explain to a secular audience but using a Monty-Python-style animation to illustrate the Holy Spirit in action by depicting rays of light shining through a roofless building accompanied by a mystical-sounding audio track is just juvenile.

With Nancy Cordes' lead item from Capitol Hill, CBS continues to dominate coverage of the debate over firearms legislation. Since the New Year, CBS has filed 24 separate gun control packages, compared with 13 by NBC, whose coverage of the hearings was by Tom Costello, and just six by ABC. See Cordes for a description of assault-style bullets fired by a semi-automatic rifle entering the flesh of a six-year-old child.

On CBS, Dean Reynolds followed up with the pro-gun-control millions spent on advertising by independent Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City in a Democratic primary in Illinois for a vacant seat in the House of Representatives. Bloomberg's candidate Robin Kelly prevailed.

On ABC, Pierre Thomas claimed an Exclusive for his sitdown with Attorney General Eric Holder, which folded in Holder's lobbying on gun control with his lobbying on the law-enforcement downside of the looming automatic federal spending cuts.


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