COMMENTS: Thursday’s Thoughts

The only international news was about Syria. Margaret Brennan filed from the State Department for CBS on the likely collapse of the Geneva Peace Conference. Richard Engel filed for NBC from beneath the citadel of Tripoli, on the coast of Lebanon, where Syria's sectarian conflict is spreading. Engel gave us the color code: yellow is for Shiite, black is for Sunni.

From the White House, CBS' Major Garrett told us why James Comey has bona fides as the next FBI Director, even though he was an official in George W Bush's Justice Department. Garrett replayed clips from Senate hearings in 2007, in which Comey was praised for defying that White House over warrantless wiretaps.

I do not know why Matthew Perry's boozing is newsworthy but ABC's Cecilia Vega was awarded a slot to cover it. So we watched a couple of laughlines from Friends and heard a joke about alcoholism, rather than learn information about the drug court system for which he is now an addiction activist.

On CBS, the publicity boost went to Rick Beyer's documentary movie Ghost Army, on the rubber decoys that fooled the Nazis. Jim Axelrod sat down with the docu's 88-year-old central character Jack Masey, who really is quite a character.

ABC's Real Money series likes to tout Websites that help consumers find savings online. So when Paula Faris introduced us to five-year-old Red Sox fan Max Rodriguez, whose family wanted to spend less on a trip to the ballpark, she suggested techniques for saving at the concession stand, at the parking lot, at the box office.

If I were taking a five-year-old to the ballpark, I would go to a minor league game, not Fenway Park. If I were saving money on traveling to Fenway, I would not book a discount car park, I'd take mass transit. If I were looking for cheap seats, I'd sit in the bleachers, not the $130 section immediately behind first base. But no, if Paula had suggested any of those, she could not have offered free publicity to a Website. The lucky winner was Jack Groetzinger's SeatGeek.


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