COMMENTS: Storytelling

For the second day this week, news from Iraq was hard to find on the nightly news. CBS sent Richard Schlesinger to Norwich University, a military college in Vermont. Students have completed a movie documentary on the bereaved kinfolk of the 25 soldiers from the state who have died in Iraq. Schlesinger reviewed Vermont Fallen: he called it "nothing fancy--just people young and old talking from the bottom of their broken hearts." Schlesinger asked one filmmaker cadet who is due to go off to war when he graduates about lessons learned. What will he tell his worried parents? "Just that I love them."

Brian Ross Investigates on ABC dug into four-year-old failings in espionage. Ross told the story of Curveball, "the supposed insider who revealed Saddam Hussein's biological weapons labs" to German intelligence, which relayed those revelations to the CIA, where they became the "centerpiece of the case" made by Secretary of State Colin Powell when he, erroneously, assured the UN Security Council that Iraq operated such a mobile arsenal. Former CIA spy Tyler Drumheller told Ross that he warned John McLaughlin, then the CIA's second-in-command, not to trust Curveball. Listen to McLaughlin's non-denial denial: Drumheller "never came into my office, sat down, looked me in the eye, and made a case that Curveball was a fabricator."


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